Vietnam is a developed country in the field of aquaculture. Therefore, trading in imported aqua feed is always a growing field. Is the import of aqua feed really a barrier? Procedures for importing aquatic feeds will be summarized by Anh Duong below.


1./ Legal basis

Therefore, imported aquatic feed must register for quality inspection before customs clearance.

              Thủ tục nhập khẩu thức ăn thủy sản

2./ HS code and import tax to Vietnam

Aquatic feed is regulated in Chapter 23, Part IV of the Import and Export Tariff Schedule 2021.

Chapter 23: Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder

The import tariff on aquatic feed is determined according to the Hs code of chapter 2309 as follows:

HS code


Import Tax

Preferential import tax




— Of a kind suitable for prawns






— Other






Biểu thuế nhập khẩu thức ăn thủy sản

Tariff on import of aquatic feed


NOTE: In which case, aquatic feed is exempt from VAT when imported?

Aquatic feed is exempt from VAT on imported goods, according to Official Letter No. 1165/TCT-CS, dated April 5, 2018.

Regarding tax policy for residues (such as soybean residue, cassava residue) made to animal feed, in Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree No. 12/2015/ND-CP dated February 12, 2015 of the Government, the Government has regulated: “Food for livestock, poultry, aquatic products and other animal feed, including processed or unprocessed products such as bran, residue, oil meal of all kinds. , fish meal, bone meal, shrimp meal, other feeds for livestock, poultry, aquatic products and other livestock, feed additives (such as premixes, active ingredients and carriers).” are not subject to VAT.


3./ Information disclosure procedures for Aquatic Feed

According Livestock Law, before being sold to the market, all kinds of animal feed - aquatic feed will have to carry out procedures for announcing information about animal feed.

The procedures for disclosing information for animal feed - aquatic feed will be conducted as follows:

Step 1: The customer sends the document, Anh Duong checks the document and gives feedback on the legality of the document.

Step 2: Complete the application for submission to the state agency.

The full set of documents includes:

Step 3: Submit application and complete fee payment procedures at Department of Livestock Production - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Step 4: Follow up the process of application appraisal, issuance of permits, receipt of certificates and confirmed documents.

After all processes are completed, Anh Duong will provide all documents to customers.


4./ Procedures for state inspection of quality of aquatic feed

Imported aquatic feed must undergo state inspection of quality.


5./ Customs clearance procedures

Based on Clause 5, Article 1 of Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC (amended Article 16 of Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC) of the Ministry of Finance guiding customs procedures. The import organization or individual needs to prepare the following documents:

a) Customs declaration: to submit 01original;

b) Sale contract: submit 1 copy;

c) Commercial invoice: submit 01 copy

d) Bill of lading: submit 01 copy;

e) Packing list: to submit 01 cop’.

f) Certificate of Analysis (COA): 01 copy;

g) Importer base standard: 01 copy;

h) Quality inspection registration certificate: 01 copy;

i) Official letter to bring goods to the warehouse for storage: 01 original (for enterprises wishing to bring goods to the warehouse for preservation while waiting for the results of state inspection, in order to limit the costs of storing containers, storing yards, etc.).

k) An extremely important document is the Certificate of free sale for aqua feeds in Vietnam: 01 copy



Procedures for importing aquatic feeds are not easy without careful preparation. Customers need to prepare full import documents to avoid unexpected trouble.